How to apply online for voter id registration in India?

Not many people know but state government provide service to apply for election card/voter id card. Following is the step-by-step guide on how to apply for voter id card in Gujarat. For other states, all the steps would be almost similar.

A Step-by-step guide on how to do Voter ID or Election Card registration Online in India.

State Websites for registration:-

1) Electoral Card Online Application for Tamil Nadu:-
2) Online voter registration for Madhya Pradesh:-
3) Online voter registration for Kerala:-
4) Online voter registration for Andhra Pradesh:-
5) Electoral card online application for Karnataka:-
6) Voter registration for Maharastra:-
7) Voter registration for Orissa :-
8) Voter registration for West Bengal:-
9) Voter registration for Uttar Pradesh:-
10) Voter registration for Arunachal Pradesh:-
11) Voter registration for Assam:-
12) Voter registration for Bihar:-
13) Voter registration for GOA:-
14) Voter registration for Gujarat:-
15) Voter registration for Haryana:-
16) Voter registration for Himachal Pradesh:-
17) Voter registration for Jammu and Kashmir:-
18) Voter registration for Manipur:-
19) online Voter registration for Meghalaya:-
20) Voter registration for Mizoram:-
21) Voter registration for Nagaland:-
22) Voter registration for Punjab:-
23) Voter registration for Rajasthan:-
24) Voter registration for Sikkim:-
25) Voter registration for Tripura:-
26) Voter registration for Chhattisgarh:-
27) Voter registration for Jharkhand:-
28) Voter registration for Uttarakhand:-
29) Voter registration for Andaman & Nicobar:-
30) Voter registration for Chandigarh:-
31) Voter registration for Dadra & Nagar Haveli:-
32) Voter registration for Daman & Diu:-
33) Voter registration for Lakshadweep:-
34) Voter registration for Puducherry:-
35) Voter registration for Delhi:-

Step 1:- First of all go to

Step 2:- Click online voter registration on the right menu bar.

Step 3:- Click on the second link for "New Registration".

Step 4:- On the next screen, click sign up and fill all your details. Verify your email/mobile.

Step 5:- Now sign in to your account with username and password.

Step 6:- Select "form 6" inclusion of Name.

Step 7:- Fill required details on next screen.

Step 8:- Select your nearest area.

Step 9:- On the next screen you are required to enter your personal details like Name, Date of Birth, Surname, etc. Be very cautious filling this. What you fill in this, same will be printed on your election card.

Step 10:- Next upload a passport photo. You can use scanner and crop your photo to proper dimensions. If you don't have scanner, don't worry. You can later paste your passport photo on the form after taking printout.

Passport photo must be less than 100 KB and size would be 320 X 240. If you don't know how to resize it, comment below. We will post an article about it. (Note:- it can be done easily in MS Paint)

Step 11:- You will also be asked to enter voter id no. of your father/mother. You can leave it blank. That wouldn't be any issue.

Step 12:- Proof of residence needs to be attached with it. You can either scan and upload it or staple it later after taking print out.

Zerox or Ture copies will work but always keep original with yourself when you are going to submit form at the area you selected earlier.

Step 13:- If you have filled out all the details, click Submit. On clicking submit, you will receive an sms stating your paper application has been received. Thus, online registration has been done.

Step 14:- On your account click print and take print out of your application.

Step 15:- Sign on application wherever required and hand it over to the person whose address you selected earlier (in the first screen).

Or you could go to nearest electoral office and submit it their.

I know this is kind of offline. But that is how government things work. My application kept pending for a month (even more) until I took printout and handed it over to the officer.

Step 16:- Now, just wait for 2-3 months. You will receive your card by post on your address.

Comment below if you have any further doubts. Watch this video. It will be helpful. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletters to receive awesome updates.
